Thursday, April 20, 2023

Teacher Appreciation gift ideas


    Teacher Appreciation week is almost here! What a great time to show your kiddos' teachers that they are important.  I've gathered our family's favorite gift ideas that also won't break the bank.  Check them out: 

1. Print-out paper

A couple years ago I found this print-out paper on Pinterest.  It was really fun to do with my kiddos for their teacher.  It helped to make the gift be more from my kiddo than from me.  I wanted it to be more meaningful for my child as well.  This was a great option from The Suburban Mom. 

2. Bouquet of flowers 


        Have you heard of the old-fashioned gift of flowers on the last day of school? Well, the last day of school has changed quite a bit since then, so what better week than Teacher Appreciation week!  These can be hand-picked from your local garden or you can purchase them.  If you purchase them, you can always buy a medium bouquet and spilt it up between your kiddos; the bouquet doesn't have to be big.  

3. A card 

Similar to the first option, you can make a card and have your kiddo write a thank you in it as well.  

4. Their favorite candy 

What a simple gift, but a great way to say thank-you.  This doesn't have to be huge, but a simple candy bar saying thanks.  If you're good with puns you could include one as well. 

5. A book for their classroom 

In our school we have the option to purchase a book for our kids' teachers at conferences from the Book Fair.  The teachers each pick a few books they'd like for their classroom and then parents can buy them in honor of their child.  However, teachers can't have enough books; especially at the elementary level.  Picking out a book from heir classroom is great end of the year gift.  

Hope this helps inspire some ideas! Have a great week, until next time




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