It's almost April 1st, and in our household that is about the time we start looking at our Spring and Summer clothes. In the last couple of years I started having a note in my phone on April 1st as a reminder to start taking inventory of what we have for the Spring and Summer as well as make a list of the items we will need. It's so easy to go and shop for a bunch of new items that we might only need a handful of. On the flip side, it's also easy to assume I have what we need in our totes from previous years; that's what I kept doing and unfortunately it didn't end well. At the time, my 2nd grader was starting to care more about what she was wearing; and not having what was needed or have items to match her sisters if she wanted to, caused some problems. With that, I made sure to have time to go through our clothes before it got too warm. For our area that's about April. We always have one or two shorts on hand from the previous year that still fit just enough for if we need them in a crunch in March, but by April we'd need more.
With that, here's my tips for switching over the next season.
First: Go through those storage totes
Like I said, it's easy to just run out to a local store and buy what you'd want for the next season, but going through what you have is so helpful. Don't have storage from the year before, make sure you check out my post on how I save from kid to kid so that you can start doing so after the Summer. You can check that out here: Clothing Switch
Second: Make a list
So back to going through what you have. After my girls have sorted through what we have and what fits I make a list. I list how many shorts, shirts, jackets, shoes; anything else my girls would need that still fit. I like to use my phone notes for that, I just make a list for each kiddo.
Third: What will we need
This can change each year. For example, one of my girls is just starting to like wearing jean shorts. So we may talk about how many jean shorts she'd like vs. athletic shorts. This also will depend on what she's active in for the summer. Another one of my girls prefers capris, while my 3rd prefers dresses. So what they need may vary. But, I like to make a estimated list of what we need so I know when we go shopping.
And that's it! It really does help to know what you already have and what you'd like to get, before you enter the store. There are so many times before that I would blank on what they had, or get items I thought we needed and really we didn't. I hope this helps you as you might be transitioning to warmer weather in your area as well.